Table of Contents

How to install NetIQ Identity Manager


There is an installation guide but it is not so straightforward and it is kind of hard to iterate the real practice of installing so I am writing down on how I do it in real world, simple step by step bullet style.

I am using CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 but procedure is similar to Suse Linux as well, just recheck the requirements.


yum install ksh  glibc-*.i686 libgcc-*.i686 compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64 compat-libstdc++-33-*.i686 libXtst-*.i686 libXrender*.i686 libXi-*.i686 bc lsof net-tools

Install eDirectory and IDM

Download and unpack the latest eDirectory and Identity Manager install media and possible patches. Go to the install media setup folder where the install script nds-install is located.

If you are using CentOS 7 edit nds-install script and copy-paste line

"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server") os=rhel;;

to line

"CentOS Linux") os=rhel;;

Then install eDirectory with command


Patch if necessary. Repeat for all servers.

Mount Identity Manager image and install with command


Patch if necessary. Repeat for all servers.

Set up eDirectory

Set up a new tree in the master server with command

ndsconfig new -t treename -n <server ou dn> -a cn=<admin dn>

AFTER new tree install add /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/hosts.nds with following content to all servers


Make a symbolic links to /etc/hosts.nds

In slave servers join the tree with command:

ndsconfig add -t TREENAME -n <server ou dn> -a cn=<admin dn> -p <server1 ip address>

Configure Identity Manager

At the master server go to install image mount directory and execute


At the slave servers go to install image mount directory and execute


You can ignore the following error message which is a feature:

rm: cannot remove '/tmp/idm_install/SSL CertificateDNS_server.ks': No such file or directory

Now log in to the tree with iManager and add all servers to the driver set.

Import to Designer

Now import the identity vault and driver set to Designer, add all the servers and start doing actual IDM work :)


All comments and corrections are welcome.