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How to deploy commercial wildcard certificates to Zimbra 8

Update 30.09.2019: Verified this is working with Comodo EssentialSSL. Please double check you have “AddTrust External CA Root” certificate in your chain as it may be missing in the bundle you receive from your SSL operator.

Today I did this and I thought I'd write it down in case someone is doing the same. You can skip the straight to Files you need for Zimbra if you already have your certificate.

Make a private key

If you are doing this for the first time you can do a new dedicated private key for wildcard cert to a secure location.

openssl genrsa -des3 -out <private key file name>.key 2048

Also it is necessary to make a non password version of the key to use with Zimbra

openssl rsa -in <private key file name> -out <new key file name to use with zimbra>

So you use the new key file without passphrase with Zimbra. Otherwise you need to supply a passphrase with every Zimbra restart and reboot.

Do a certificate signing request

In the location of the private key you made above do a certificate signing request

openssl req -new -key <you new private key file name>.key -out <csr file name>.csr 

Use certificate issuer service to submit your request and see that you are requesting a wildcard certificate. After a while you will receive a signed certificate to your email.

Get CA chain files from Comodo

First we need both root and issuer CA certificates from Comodo. Download these files from the bottom of the page:

Get CA chain files from RapidSSL

First we need both root and issuer CA certificates from following locations:

Be aware that these certificates are made on SHA2 using SHA1 root which is the current recommendation for safe certificates. If you have something else than what RapidSSL recommends then look up different CA chain. You can use check the issuer from your wildcard certificate (openssl x509 -in cert.crt -noout -text) and see if subject is matching in the CA files - all the way to the Geotrust.

Get CA chain files from other issuers

If you are using another certificate issuer you can easily lookup the CA certificates you need by command

openssl x509 <your new wildcard certificate file> -noout -text | less

And look for issuer certificate path such as

where first you need to locate RapidSSL CA certificate whose subject is “CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3”. Then you do the same to the issuer's CA certificate and follow the chain as needed.

Assemble certificate chain

Cat up the CA certificates into a single file:

cat <rapidssl_ca> <geotrust_ca> > rapidssl_geotrust_ca_chain.crt

or with Comodo EssentialSSL

cat addtrustexternalcaroot.crt comodorsaaddtrustca.crt comodorsadomainvalidationsecureserverca.crt > essentialssl_comodo_ca_chain.crt

Files you need for Zimbra

Check files with zmcertmgr

See that Zimbra is happy with the cert configuration

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr verifycrt comm <private key file> <your new crt file> <rapidssl geotrust chain file>

Backup previous certificates

It is best to backup the whole directory

cp -a /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial.backup

Copy over and install certificate files

cp <private key file> /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key

If you are using Zimbra version 8.7 or later do following as zimbra user (otherwise as root):

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr deploycrt comm <your new cert file> <rapidssl geotrust chain file>

Restart Zimbra

Do a restart to start using your new certificate.

zmcontrol restart